The 2018 Cyprus Collegiate Programming Contest

The ICPC-Cyprus 2018 is the national programming competition sponsored by ACM ICPC, CCS, Digital Champion, GCC, XM and Cablenet for university students, organised for the first time in 2017. The competition gives the opportunity to teams of Computing students from different universities in Cyprus to interact, and to demonstrate their problem-solving, programming and teamwork skills. The winning team gets to represent Cyprus in the corresponding European Competition and if successful, moves on to the international ICPC finals, held each year in the USA by ACM.

Chaired by Dr. Josephina Antoniou (UCLan Cyprus), the 2018 competition will be held at the University of Cyprus (local chair: Dr. Georgia Kapitsaki)

he contest represents the geographic area of Cyprus. The contest is sponsored by the Cyprus Digital Champion, and the Cyprus Computer Society. The contact email address is

The contest dates are September 29, 2018 – September 29, 2018

The registration is open between August 01, 2018 – September 20, 2018Additional Info:

Team members must have a student id from a university located in Cyprus